Posts with the tag “laurel-dhillon”

Daily Devotional
March 3rd, 2025
We are are now beginning our 40 Days for Life campaign as we partner with Right to Life. We have many volunteers from our Campus Bible family volunteering to pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned P...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
February 18th, 2025
A while ago I was reading in 1 Corinthians and there was a passage that talks about the Spirit of God. For some reason the way this translation worded it gave me a much different perspective than I’ve...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
February 3rd, 2025
I love these words. First that His word can be found and it can change the state of our heart. It lets me know that there is great hope for those that either don’t know the Lord or that have walked aw...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
November 26th, 2024
I love watching Christmas movies. I love the warmth I feel when I’m watching them. Maybe because there is usually some element of cold that causes them to wrap their hands around decorated cups of hot...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
November 14th, 2024
When I read this it reminded me of Satan in the garden when he said to Adam, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...You will not surely die.” Satan’s ways haven’t chan...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
October 28th, 2024
I totally believe in the power of prayer. And even when I don't get an answer or don't get the answer I want, I know the Lord listens to me when I pray. That being said, there are days that I fret and...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
October 14th, 2024
When I read this verse I thought of a situation in my life that at times I wonder if the Lord understands my grief and if He really has control over making things right for those I love. But here the ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
September 30th, 2024
This was part of the message from the Lord that Nathan the prophet spoke to King David when David sinned by having Uriah the Hittite killed and taking his wife Bathsheba.In 2 Samuel 7 the Lord tells D...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
September 17th, 2024
Do you ever feel like you are in a holding pattern?It's like loading onto a plane and waiting for it to take off. You have everything ready and have stored your carry on in the overhead bin. You sit d...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
September 3rd, 2024
Secrets are so interesting. When you tell a friend you have a secret the first thing they will ask is, "What is it?" And they'll ask you over and over til you finally tell them…because isn't that why ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
August 19th, 2024
These were a part of the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples. Before this, in John 15, Jesus told them, "I am the vine and you are the branches…" and reminded them how important it is to stay conn...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
August 6th, 2024
This is such a great picture of who we are as a family of God. All four of these men needed one another in order to fulfill God’s plan. Joshua needed Moses to hold up the rod, and Moses needed Aaron a...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
July 23rd, 2024
Who do you think said this?? If you guessed Job you would be wrong. It was Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20:14–15)! As obedient as he was to take God’s message to his people there were times he wished he didn’t ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
July 9th, 2024
So much of 1 Peter is about suffering. After you read it you shouldn’t be at all surprised that you encounter suffering in your life. I wonder why I continually have to be reminded of that fact. Truth...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
June 24th, 2024
It's amazing how different we can be from one another. I love sitting behind a desk dealing with schedules and charts. I love balancing a checkbook (yes I still do that even in this digital age) and e...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
May 29th, 2024
When Pastor Kenton’s spoke from this passage a few weeks ago I was struck by the realization that the Lord was silent when a woman asked Him to heal her daughter. I know that we talk about what it mea...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
May 1st, 2024
Right before Matthew 9:13, Jesus had met Matthew the tax collector. He told him to “Follow Me” and Matthew did. Then Jesus went to his house and had a meal with him and many other tax collectors. When...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
April 5th, 2024
This past Easter season I was blessed by seeing so many ways God’s people joined together to support and encourage one another as a family to provide an opportunity for the community to hear and exper...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
March 19th, 2024
Zedekiah's relationship with Jeremiah reminded me of the relationship Herod the Tetrarch had with John the Baptist that Pastor Brian spoke about in a recent sermon. Herod was intrigued with John the B...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
March 5th, 2024
I can remember when my husband Gary would be on mission trips to Africa for several weeks. For the first third of the time I was able to get a lot of projects done. I would catch up on a good book I w...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
February 21st, 2024
My favorite time of day is late in the afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky and shines so brightly into my windows. It creates a joy, a melody in my heart that is unexplainable. The other day ar...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
January 2nd, 2024
I have always looked down on the Israelites at this point for not waiting for Moses to come down before they lost heart. I mean it was right after all the huge miracles to get them out of Egypt and th...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
November 7th, 2023
When trials come…grief, family conflict, financial upsets… it’s hard to see how God could send those circumstances into our lives. We believe He wants the best for us so how can those things be what a...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
September 13th, 2023
I’ve been reading through many of Paul’s letters in the New Testament recently and this passage really caught my attention. I thought about Paul and all the time he spent in prison. Did he loose heart...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
July 18th, 2023
Some background to this verse…the commandment came after Peter got caught up in the excitement of being honored to be included in seeing Jesus transfigured and viewing Moses and Elijah talking with Hi...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
June 20th, 2023
A week ago we had Youth Sunday here at our church. I always look forward to this because I love seeing the youth shine! This time was no exception! But this time they also blew me away. There were so ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
June 7th, 2023
As I read through Daniel 3 and the account of what happened to Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego I was struck with how quickly the current of culture can be swayed.Nebuchadnezzar, the king, was full of ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
May 24th, 2023
I've been reading the major prophets for a bit now and I have to say it isn't very cheerful. In fact, it's been very disheartening and bleak and I can hardly wait to get to Daniel to read about the vi...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
May 12th, 2023
Last Sunday, my husband Gary and I went for a drive. We had not planned where we would go. We were supposed to go out of town, but a family emergency had kept us close to home. All was well at this po...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
April 25th, 2023
I love this verse! It explains exactly what the Word of God does for us! It explains what Jesus meant when He said, "Take, eat, this is My body." (Mark 14:22) and "I am the bread of life… I am the liv...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
March 28th, 2023
This morning I was finishing up my time in Ecclesiastes and I read in my notes after this final passage, "Read at my funeral." My reason for writing that was because I thought if I had it read at my f...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
March 14th, 2023
Wisdom, understanding, instruction…all three of these are listed in such a way to depict that they are things that are not something I can conjure up. They are from without, not within. So how do we g...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
March 2nd, 2023
Do you notice that sometimes when the Lord shows you something from His Word that you start to see references to it in more places? That’s how it was when the Lord impressed upon me the arrows of the ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
February 14th, 2023
The morning we were leaving for my husband Gary’s archery tournament in Las Vegas I read this passage and it totally caught my attention. Gary has spent a lot of time and energy learning how to shoot ...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
January 31st, 2023
I really like salt. My kids get frustrated with me because I rarely taste my food before I add salt to it. I mean, come on, it always needs salt!! When I read this passage I thought it should be the s...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
January 3rd, 2023
Every time I read through the Old Testament and come to 1 & 2 Kings I am usually amazed at how they can follow the Lord for so much of their lives and then towards the end they turn against Him in one...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
November 22nd, 2022
When I read this it reminded me of some instances in my youth when I began to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit but didn’t recognize it as His voice until later in my life. One particular instance sta...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
November 8th, 2022
This season has been very difficult in many ways. But the Lord encouraged me so much by this passage. At first I wondered why they weren’t supposed to come too near the Ark of the Covenant and why the...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
October 25th, 2022
Growing up I remember watching the movie "The Ten Commandments." It's actually a favorite of Gary's (my husband). There is a line in the movie that Pharoah says, “So let it be written, so let it be do...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon
Daily Devotional
October 11th, 2022
As I am reading cover to cover in God's Word I am so grateful that I don't have to sift through to find something that will help me get through what I am feeling. Sometimes I don't even know exactly w...  Read More
by Laurel Dhillon