Daily Devotional

Genesis 45:5 & 8 - “But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry…for God sent me…”
“So now it was not you who sent me here, but God…” (NKJV)
When trials come…grief, family conflict, financial upsets… it’s hard to see how God could send those circumstances into our lives. We believe He wants the best for us so how can those things be what are best?
His brothers ridiculed Joseph, they harmed him, he was put in prison, he was accused of rape, and someone he supported forgot him. All of these were so very painful and yet each time God lifted him up to positions of favor. Joseph must have spent much time working out his faith in God through all those years of pain to have been able to come to the conclusion he expressed in these verses to his brothers. It was God who placed him where he was, not people, not circumstances.
Joseph was fortunate to have been able to experience the fruition of why God allowed all that pain in his life. Sometimes we don’t get to see it. I think that’s why God gave us so many examples of the painful circumstances experienced by faithful men and women in His Word and the “joy the other side of the cross.” So that we can have hope in what is not seen.
I pray that if you are experiencing a painful situation right now that you will know that God does have a plan and you are in it. And I pray that you will experience times of favor in the pain.
Believe For It
CeCe Winans, Dwan Hill, Kyle Lee, Mitch Wong
They say this mountain can't be moved
They say these chains will never break
But they don't know You like we do
There is power in Your name
We've heard that there is no way through
We've heard the tide will never change
They haven't seen what You can do
There is power in Your name
So much power in Your name
Move the immovable
Break the unbreakable
God we believe
God we believe for it
From the impossible
We'll see a miracle
God we believe
God we believe for it
We know that hope is never lost
For there is still an empty grave
God we believe no matter what
There is power in Your name
So much power in Your name
You are the way
When there seems to be no way
We trust in You
God You have the final say
You said it
I believe it
You said it
It is done
God we believe for it
© 2021 Vessl Songs; Big Buddy Music; A Wong Made Write Publishing; Integrity's Praise! Music; Little Pooky's Music
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI Song #7169164 CCLI License #144020
His brothers ridiculed Joseph, they harmed him, he was put in prison, he was accused of rape, and someone he supported forgot him. All of these were so very painful and yet each time God lifted him up to positions of favor. Joseph must have spent much time working out his faith in God through all those years of pain to have been able to come to the conclusion he expressed in these verses to his brothers. It was God who placed him where he was, not people, not circumstances.
Joseph was fortunate to have been able to experience the fruition of why God allowed all that pain in his life. Sometimes we don’t get to see it. I think that’s why God gave us so many examples of the painful circumstances experienced by faithful men and women in His Word and the “joy the other side of the cross.” So that we can have hope in what is not seen.
I pray that if you are experiencing a painful situation right now that you will know that God does have a plan and you are in it. And I pray that you will experience times of favor in the pain.
Believe For It
CeCe Winans, Dwan Hill, Kyle Lee, Mitch Wong
They say this mountain can't be moved
They say these chains will never break
But they don't know You like we do
There is power in Your name
We've heard that there is no way through
We've heard the tide will never change
They haven't seen what You can do
There is power in Your name
So much power in Your name
Move the immovable
Break the unbreakable
God we believe
God we believe for it
From the impossible
We'll see a miracle
God we believe
God we believe for it
We know that hope is never lost
For there is still an empty grave
God we believe no matter what
There is power in Your name
So much power in Your name
You are the way
When there seems to be no way
We trust in You
God You have the final say
You said it
I believe it
You said it
It is done
God we believe for it
© 2021 Vessl Songs; Big Buddy Music; A Wong Made Write Publishing; Integrity's Praise! Music; Little Pooky's Music
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com
CCLI Song #7169164 CCLI License #144020
New King James Version (NKJV)Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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