The 13-week program features personal stories from people who have experienced loss, as well as expert insights on topics important to grief recovery. Each meeting revolves around three main activities: a lesson on DVD providing testimonies and biblical perspectives from those who have walked through loss, a workbook where participants can write down reflections on their journey and on the Scriptures we review, and a small group where they can discuss the DVD content and their workbooks.

The purpose of the course is to introduce the class members not to a program or a formula or an insightful counselor, but to the person of Jesus Christ, who we believe is the only lasting source of comfort (2 Corinthians 1:4–5), and to His Word, which is our sole authority, conscience, and guide (Joshua 1:8).

It is our hope that those participating in GriefShare will avail themselves of the community the class offers, interacting with others who have experienced a recent loss, learning about others’ experiences, and sharing their own. We want to help those in grief avoid the isolation of toughing it out or minimizing their own pain in an effort to cope with their circumstances. Circumstances the world around them can seem ill-equipped to help them through.

Each session is self-contained so that participants do not need to attend all 13 in sequence.

Contact Us

If you are interested in participating or have a question, fill out the form below and Pastor Gene Beck will be in touch.