Daily Devotional
October 20th, 2023
Many times, God uses what has happened in my past or present to drive home a lesson He wants me to learn.This week, God took me back to the time my daughters were little. My daughter stumbled into the...  Read More
by Karon Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 19th, 2023
Do you remember the yearbook section that highlighted those who stand out for their superlatives? It was an exaggerated way to recognize and celebrate people. They often say things like: Most Likely t...  Read More
by Pastor Wil Staley
Daily Devotional
October 18th, 2023
Without trust it is impossible to be in a healthy relationship. So when trust is broken, how do you rebuild it?When a Christian couple named John and Mary came to see me, John had just found out that ...  Read More
by Pastor Brian Erickson
Daily Devotional
October 17th, 2023
Within a few months of my salvation, I became very zealous for all to receive what I had.  How many church goers, like I had been, did not even know about getting saved?  I did some street witnessing....  Read More
by Pastor Greg Warmerdam
Daily Devotional
October 16th, 2023
In my travels I have visited several ancient ruins, including the Flavian Amphitheater in Rome, more commonly known as the Colosseum. During those ancient battles, the gladiators would sometimes fight...  Read More
by Pastor Jim Cecy
Daily Devotional
October 13th, 2023
According to the Bible, there are only two kinds of children in the world—the children of God and the children of the devil (cf. 1 John 1:12–13 and John 8:39–44).  That’s a very stark and startling re...  Read More
by Pastor Kenton Rahn