Daily Devotional

“Investing for Eternity…”

Ephesians 5:15–17 - “So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.  Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.” ( NLT)

As I am writing this devotional, the Stock Market is rather chaotic, with big swings up and down.  It is hard to watch your hard-earned investments change so much on any given day.  There are many factors that are causing the fluctuation.  The economy is struggling with our country’s massive debt, with no real relief in sight.  The economic picture, not only of the United States, but all the countries of the world is not very bright.  Today we are living in troubling times.  I don’t think anyone would disagree with that statement.  The Apostle Paul, in writing to his son in the faith Timothy, said that the last days would be characterized as “difficult.” (2 Timothy 3:1) This word describes “evil that causes pain and sorrow.”  This evil will try to draw or suck you in.  It is not content unless everyone is participating in its anti-God activity.

But it is not all doom and gloom.  As Christians we can invest in eternity.  These investments will not change but are guaranteed.  “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”  (Matthew 6:19–20) With this in mind, we need to ask ourselves, “How are we living today?”  “How can we invest our lives to further God’s kingdom?”  The Apostle Paul answers these questions as he writes…

1. Live life with wisdom…vs. 16

Only the unwise drift with the wind and tide.  A wise man knows how to get to where he is going.  When he builds a house, he first draws up his plans, determines the cost and purchases the right materials.  As God’s children we need to plan our days to make the most of every opportunity.  Often, the opportunities are right there, but we never take advantage of them.

In contrast there are those who so plan their days, that the opportunities God presents are seldom seen because they are so busy following their own agenda.  Today we need to plan our days as we sense God leading us but also leaving openings for flexibility as God adjusts and presents opportunities to invest our time and energy.

2. See the opportunities…vs. 16

Paul encourages us to redeem the time.  The word “redeem,” means to buy up the time.  It speaks of seizing the opportunities and taking advantage of them.  So, as we redeem our time, we are making the most of every opportunity.

Opportunities for ministry present themselves to us throughout each day.  The word “opportunities,” comes from a Latin word which means toward the port.  It suggests a ship is taking advantage of the wind and tide to arrive safely in port.  We need to be sensitive to what God is doing around us.  As He shows us what He is doing, we should take advantage of these opportunities to get involved in His work.  Pray that God would open our eyes to these opportunities so that we might use them for His glory.  What is God doing around you in which you need to invest your time and gifts for eternity?

3. Recognized life is short…vs. 16

The brevity of life is a strong argument for making the best use of the opportunities God gives us.  All of us have experienced lost opportunities that have never presented themselves again.  Time is short.  There is a uniqueness about time… “We can only use it once.”  Invest it wisely!  Paul encouraged the Ephesians to use every opportunity for the glory of God.  Today, we have unique opportunities of ministry that have not existed before.  We should use these God-given opportunities for investing in the lives of others and in eternity.

4. Make the right decisions…vs. 17a

Paul tells the believers at Ephesus not to be foolish.  The word for foolish has the idea of knowing the truth or facts but choosing not to make the right decision.  Today we say, “Don’t confuse me with the facts!”   God has revealed His will and He desires for us to know it.  We can make wise daily decisions to walk in His design for our lives and invest in eternity.

5. Follow God’s plan...vs. 17b

Paul tells us to, “understand what the will of the Lord is…”  God has prepared a plan for our lives, and He has made it possible for us to walk in it.  We will find fulfillment as we do His will.  We need to make the fulfilling of that plan a priority in our lives.  Every decision we make needs to be made with that reality in mind.  As a result, we will store up treasure in heaven!

Prayer:  Lord, I give You, my life.  Open my eyes to see the opportunities around me to serve You.  I want my life to glorify You in all I do and say.  Amen
New Living Translation (NLT)
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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