Daily Devotional

“If you’re not barefoot, then you’re overdressed”—Unknown
Since moving from Chicago to California in 2020 I’ve realized that summer seems to have a different meaning to Californians than it does to me. It never really gets cold here, especially when you’re used to freezing off your ninny for six months every year, with sub-zero temps that take your breath away, and wind chills that make your skin hurt. Summer's arrival each year is a day of great rejoicing. And by the way, summer is the best time to be barefoot.

I have many fond memories of summer; grilling my favorite meat, playing croquet in the backyard, and waterskiing every chance I got. Plus there was nothing like the last day of school, which officially ushered in summer vacation. It reminds me of the Disney movie “High School Musical 2”. It’s the last day of school, it’s the last hour of the day, and the whole class is counting down the last minute of the class saying “Summer, Summer, Summer, Summer”. Then they kick into the song “What Time is It?” Summer time! The bell rings and everybody throws their papers in the air, and charges out the door.

Just as I have many fond memories of natural summer, I also have many fond memories of spiritual summer. Perhaps you’ve heard the seasons of the year being referred to in a spiritual sense. Autumn is a season of change. Winter is a season of barrenness and preparation. Spring is a season of new birth. And summer is a season of abundance and fruit-bearing.

No matter what spiritual season you find yourself in right now, I want to encourage you to seize the summer. Revel in the warmth of God’s love shining down on you. Enjoy the beauty of God’s creation all around you and praise Him for His many blessings. Maybe you would say you’re in a ‘winter season’ right now. Don’t let that cause you to lose the joy God has given you for each new day.

When I think of the fruit-bearing aspect of summer, I think of the sweetness of a sun-ripened, bright red strawberry. It is a ‘summer taste’ I always look forward to. It makes me think of the way God has given Christians His Holy Spirit, and the fruit-bearing that comes with His presence in our lives. We have the Fruit of the Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Most of us read this list and one jumps out as the most challenging. But these nine ‘fruits’ are to be taken as a whole, and cultivated to become sweeter day by day; like strawberries in the summertime. We do that by leaning into our relationship with the Gardner, the Lord Jesus Christ.

In John 15:5, Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”

Thank-You, Lord, for summer. Help me embrace each moment of this summer with joy, remembering that You are the Gardner, the true cultivator of the fruit in my life. 
New American Standard Bible®,
Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved.