Daily Devotional

John 10:27–28 - “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”
I am not a farmer nor a rancher, so anything related to these subjects flies far above my thinking. Yet, the world in which Jesus walked was agricultural and agrarian. He spoke much about seeds, trees, and grain. He especially talked about flocks of sheep and shepherds who are to feed, love, and protect them, He also knew well how much we are like them.
One of the ways I share the Gospel is to remind people how they, by trusting in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, can become a part of His precious flock of sheep (cf. John 10:27–28). Years ago, along with a friend of mine, I developed a simple way to present the good news of the Gospel using the acrostic (or is it an acronym), using the word one would hear from sheep: “Baaaa.” Perhaps this will be a help to you as much as it has been to me:
B – You must believe Jesus Christ died on the cross and bodily rose from the grave.
A – You must admit you are a sinner.
A – You must agree to turn from sin to God.
A – You must acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Risen Lord.
A – You must accept God’s free gift of salvation.
Now, move on to the well-prepared fields, presenting to the lost sheep the glorious way they can become a part of the flock of God. No one will ever be able to pluck them out of the Heavenly Father’s hand.
One of the ways I share the Gospel is to remind people how they, by trusting in Jesus Christ alone for their salvation, can become a part of His precious flock of sheep (cf. John 10:27–28). Years ago, along with a friend of mine, I developed a simple way to present the good news of the Gospel using the acrostic (or is it an acronym), using the word one would hear from sheep: “Baaaa.” Perhaps this will be a help to you as much as it has been to me:
B – You must believe Jesus Christ died on the cross and bodily rose from the grave.
A – You must admit you are a sinner.
A – You must agree to turn from sin to God.
A – You must acknowledge Jesus Christ is the Risen Lord.
A – You must accept God’s free gift of salvation.
Now, move on to the well-prepared fields, presenting to the lost sheep the glorious way they can become a part of the flock of God. No one will ever be able to pluck them out of the Heavenly Father’s hand.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
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