Daily Devotional

The Oak Tree
Psalm 1: 1–3 - “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law, he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season. And its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.” (NASB)
Our first home was a quaint cabin-like house in the woods of Felton, California. I loved many things about this house. It sat in the center of the horseshoe-shaped lane called Lazywoods.
In the front yard stood a grandfather oak tree. It was old, massive, and majestic. The limbs stretched across the driveway to our house creating a canopy of shade. Often this oak tree inspired me to meditate on Psalm 1. As a young mom, I prayed that I would learn how to guide my children to walk with God and protect them from bad decisions. The following are some of the conclusions God led me to in my meditations with my oak tree and my Bible.
When reading Psalm 1 pay attention to three words in this Psalm: Walk, Stand, and Sit. These action words describe the progression of sin.
First, you walk towards the wicked tempter’s counsel. You are tempted to go in the wrong direction—away from God’s standards.
Second, you stand with the tempter. You are intrigued by the temptation. You look more closely at the temptation and talk about it. The tempter seduces you to join in and walk in the path of sin.
Third, you sit down to scoff at God’s ways and become one of the tempters. You scorn and mock God and His laws. You have embraced the temptation. You own it. You join in the sin. You now are a tempter to someone else.
This Psalm tells us to not walk, stand, or sit with the wicked scoffers. God draws our attention to the benefits of doing life God’s way. Relishing in His commands and His words. He wants us to take great joy in meditating on Him and His ways day and night. The result is a picture of life as a beautiful fruitful tree, firmly planted by streams of water. Allowing Him to nourish us, to meet all our needs, and trust in Him. The promise is strength, wholeness, and prosperity. God’s way is always the best!
What a privilege to teach my kids Psalm 1 and talk about my inspiring grandfather oak tree on Lazywoods!
In the front yard stood a grandfather oak tree. It was old, massive, and majestic. The limbs stretched across the driveway to our house creating a canopy of shade. Often this oak tree inspired me to meditate on Psalm 1. As a young mom, I prayed that I would learn how to guide my children to walk with God and protect them from bad decisions. The following are some of the conclusions God led me to in my meditations with my oak tree and my Bible.
When reading Psalm 1 pay attention to three words in this Psalm: Walk, Stand, and Sit. These action words describe the progression of sin.
First, you walk towards the wicked tempter’s counsel. You are tempted to go in the wrong direction—away from God’s standards.
Second, you stand with the tempter. You are intrigued by the temptation. You look more closely at the temptation and talk about it. The tempter seduces you to join in and walk in the path of sin.
Third, you sit down to scoff at God’s ways and become one of the tempters. You scorn and mock God and His laws. You have embraced the temptation. You own it. You join in the sin. You now are a tempter to someone else.
This Psalm tells us to not walk, stand, or sit with the wicked scoffers. God draws our attention to the benefits of doing life God’s way. Relishing in His commands and His words. He wants us to take great joy in meditating on Him and His ways day and night. The result is a picture of life as a beautiful fruitful tree, firmly planted by streams of water. Allowing Him to nourish us, to meet all our needs, and trust in Him. The promise is strength, wholeness, and prosperity. God’s way is always the best!
What a privilege to teach my kids Psalm 1 and talk about my inspiring grandfather oak tree on Lazywoods!
- Read the entire Psalm 1 with your kids.
- Describe two paths. One towards God and one away from God.
- Explain that even people we like can lead us in the wrong direction. The Word of God clearly describes the right path.
- Explain that if they ever make a mistake, they can always come to you. You will help them see in God’s Word that they are forgiven. I John 1:9
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
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