Advent Devotionals: Day 23

Isaiah 7:14 – “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.” (NASB)
When my daughter was just a wee toddler, I got in the habit of tucking her into bed at night and telling her three things: “God made you… God loves you… and God will always be with you.” It’s hard to imagine words more comforting than that, and sometimes my daughter still jumps into bed and says: “Daddy, tell me the three things.”
The name Immanuel means “God with us.” What an incredible reminder of the lengths the Second Person of the Trinity went to save us! He stepped down from the throne of heaven and exchanged it for a manger. He forsook the highest glory for the deepest shame. The infinite God voluntarily subjected himself to a finite human nature. He came to be with us in order to save us.
Many years ago, I received a startling phone call that my dad was being rushed into emergency surgery to remove part of his colon that was riddled with cancer. I jumped into my car immediately and drove 8 hours to be at his bedside in the hospital. I wanted to be with him because I love him, and I would have done anything to help.
It’s hard to comprehend how much God loves us. But it’s infinitely greater than the love I have for my dad. And because of that great love, he wants to be with us and help us.
Today, remind yourself of three things: “God made you… God loves you… and God will always be with you.”
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for leaving the glory of heaven to come save me. Thank you for being Immanuel and never leaving my side.
The name Immanuel means “God with us.” What an incredible reminder of the lengths the Second Person of the Trinity went to save us! He stepped down from the throne of heaven and exchanged it for a manger. He forsook the highest glory for the deepest shame. The infinite God voluntarily subjected himself to a finite human nature. He came to be with us in order to save us.
Many years ago, I received a startling phone call that my dad was being rushed into emergency surgery to remove part of his colon that was riddled with cancer. I jumped into my car immediately and drove 8 hours to be at his bedside in the hospital. I wanted to be with him because I love him, and I would have done anything to help.
It’s hard to comprehend how much God loves us. But it’s infinitely greater than the love I have for my dad. And because of that great love, he wants to be with us and help us.
Today, remind yourself of three things: “God made you… God loves you… and God will always be with you.”
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for leaving the glory of heaven to come save me. Thank you for being Immanuel and never leaving my side.
New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
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