Daily Devotional

Power Source
John 14:16–17, 26 “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you….But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.” (NASB)
My window to the world is opened up through the power of the internet. Once again, I wait patiently for my ministry friend to log on. How amazing it is that I can connect with someone in Bucharest, Romania. She’s here! I click the button to let her in and her beautiful face appears on the screen. We first met in Poland several years ago at the European Leadership Forum. She signed up for a mentoring appointment with me. Little did we know it would begin an intercontinental friendship. After several years of thirty-minute conversations once a week, we know a lot about each other. We share a heart for ministry. We share victories over the challenges God has brought us through. She knows my family; I know her family and her job as a Scientific Researcher—specializing in Quantum Theory. (Wow, is she smart!) The best part about her is that she has become my true sister in the Lord. What a wondrous world we live in that makes our relationship possible. When we think of communication in friendships we usually mean “in person” but my experience is that even a long-distance, global connection can be enjoyed through the power of modern technology. This is equally as true in my role as a missionary for JARON Ministries, as I mentor ministry leaders in many countries.
On the home front, one day I got a call from our desperate daughter. “Can you please talk to my kids? They are not listening to me! I’ll get them seated on the couch and I will Facetime you.” Soon after, my husband and I have a close-up view of our wide-eyed, sober grandkids lined up on the couch—not quite ready to receive their “Pa and Grammy Talk.” I still remember my husband saying to the kids, “How dare you treat your mother—my daughter—my baby girl—with such disrespect. ” We then proceeded, with the permission of their mother, to “lay down the law.” Soon, the dishes were done and their bedrooms were clean. Zip Zop! All was quiet—for now!
Spiritually speaking, the Holy Spirit is my power source. Instantly, the connection is solid because He is in me (cf. John 14:16–17, 26). I don’t have to battle with a lost internet connection. There is no static. Perfect clarity. He speaks to my heart; I speak to His. He is with me wherever I go. I don’t have to plug into an outlet. He gives me advice, convicts me, comforts me, and helps me to make decisions. The Holy Spirit motivates me to keep on the right path. I am sad to admit sometimes I try to shut His voice down and unplug the connection. When that happens, the Holy Spirit wakes me up in the middle of the night to speak to my heart. He loves me so much He pursues me when I am stubborn. He loves me enough to work with my weakness through His strength. He never gives up on me. And the best part of all—His connection to me is never broken.
For Parents, Grandparents, and Teachers
1. Help your kids to stay connected with loved ones far away through any means possible. Sometimes kids feel a real loss when their friend moves far away or even a member of the family.
2. Use the illustration of electronic platforms that allow face-to-face communication to explain the Holy Spirit’s intimate role in their life. Talk about how the connection cannot be broken when you are a child of God.
3. Read together and discuss John 14:16–17, 26 as you discuss the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives.
On the home front, one day I got a call from our desperate daughter. “Can you please talk to my kids? They are not listening to me! I’ll get them seated on the couch and I will Facetime you.” Soon after, my husband and I have a close-up view of our wide-eyed, sober grandkids lined up on the couch—not quite ready to receive their “Pa and Grammy Talk.” I still remember my husband saying to the kids, “How dare you treat your mother—my daughter—my baby girl—with such disrespect. ” We then proceeded, with the permission of their mother, to “lay down the law.” Soon, the dishes were done and their bedrooms were clean. Zip Zop! All was quiet—for now!
Spiritually speaking, the Holy Spirit is my power source. Instantly, the connection is solid because He is in me (cf. John 14:16–17, 26). I don’t have to battle with a lost internet connection. There is no static. Perfect clarity. He speaks to my heart; I speak to His. He is with me wherever I go. I don’t have to plug into an outlet. He gives me advice, convicts me, comforts me, and helps me to make decisions. The Holy Spirit motivates me to keep on the right path. I am sad to admit sometimes I try to shut His voice down and unplug the connection. When that happens, the Holy Spirit wakes me up in the middle of the night to speak to my heart. He loves me so much He pursues me when I am stubborn. He loves me enough to work with my weakness through His strength. He never gives up on me. And the best part of all—His connection to me is never broken.
For Parents, Grandparents, and Teachers
1. Help your kids to stay connected with loved ones far away through any means possible. Sometimes kids feel a real loss when their friend moves far away or even a member of the family.
2. Use the illustration of electronic platforms that allow face-to-face communication to explain the Holy Spirit’s intimate role in their life. Talk about how the connection cannot be broken when you are a child of God.
3. Read together and discuss John 14:16–17, 26 as you discuss the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
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