Daily Devotional

Trust God in Troubling Times…
Psalm 146:3–4 - “Do not put your trust in princes,
Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.
His spirit departs, he returns to his earth;
In that very day his plans perish.” (NKJV)
We live today in rather uncertain times. There is a huge political divide, and it seems that the forces of evil are trying to destroy what is good. People have ideas of how the problems we face should be handled but the best efforts of human authorities can only provide temporary help. Today we need to look to God for our help and stability and not depend inappropriately upon man.
The Psalmist warned Israel not to trust in man. Israel would often trust in human and not in divine help. They looked to Egypt, the Assyrians, and others to help them when they were in trouble. When they failed to trust in God, He would allow them to suffer the consequences. Often Israel would turn to Him when they were hopelessly in trouble, and He would come to their aid.
Today, we also are not to trust inappropriately in man or in people with authority. They will fail us…they are human just as we are. I can tell that I am inappropriately trusting man and not God…
The word spirit in verse 4, (Hebrew, ruach) can also be translated breath. What the Psalmist is saying is that when the spirit leaves, the breath of man also leaves. We are one breath creatures. We live one breath at a time and when the spirit or breath leaves, we are gone. There is no more human life.
When we build our trust upon man or human authorities, when they die our hopes die with them. Our expectations, declarations, and boastings all die when man breathes his last breath. The Hebrew word translated “plans” occurs only here in the Old Testament. It may be translated “purposes” or “projects.” We need to have our trust in Someone Who will never die, is not subject to corruption and will be eternally present. The only person who can provide this is God.
The Psalmist continues by telling us of the blessings we experience when we trust in God. “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever.” (Psalm 146:5–6 NKJV)
The reality is that man’s help will ultimately fail and not provide lasting solutions. The Psalmist uses the word “Happy” to convey the idea of being blessed. Blessed is anyone “who has the God of Jacob for his help…” He will be blessed with help and goodness beyond anything that humanly can be accomplished. “Those are happy who trust him, for they shall never be ashamed or confounded. The Lord never dies, neither do his thoughts perish: his purpose of mercy, like himself, endures throughout all generations.” (Treasury of David, Spurgeon)
When we by faith know the Lord to be ours, we have the greatest happiness that can be known. This happiness is not only for the present but for all eternity. “…Resting in the Lord, we know a happiness which is beyond description, beyond comparison, beyond conception. O how blessed a thing it is to know that God is our present help, and our eternal hope.” (Treasury of David, Spurgeon)
The God of Jacob is the covenant keeping God. He made an unconditional covenant to give Israel the land and He kept His word. This God who was faithful to Jacob is the same God who is our help and hope. He will never lie to us or mislead us. He is always faithful to His Word. We can completely trust Him and His plan for our present and future. God is our help in our present moments. Our confidence should not be placed in man. God is our ultimate source of help. He is there even in our most despairing times.
The Psalmist tells us that God alone is the One Who can save us. He is our only hope. People, governments, or any other created thing does not have the ability to ultimately save us. They can be used of God to help but our ultimate hope comes from God alone. God is not just our hope today but for all eternity.
The Creator of the heavens and earth is the all-powerful One Who is our help. There is nothing He cannot do. Nothing is too large or small for Him. Nothing is too insignificant for Him. He is interested in everything that affects us. God is always faithful. Others will disappoint us at some time in life, but God will always be faithful. We may not see Him at times, but He will never leave us or forsake us.
Prayer: Lord, I need to always trust You. In times of trouble, it is so easy to trust in people we know. They have only limited knowledge, experience and understanding. Help me to trust You more and to turn to You during difficult times. Lord, I know You have all knowledge, will always keep Your word and thus I can fully trust You. Amen
The Psalmist warned Israel not to trust in man. Israel would often trust in human and not in divine help. They looked to Egypt, the Assyrians, and others to help them when they were in trouble. When they failed to trust in God, He would allow them to suffer the consequences. Often Israel would turn to Him when they were hopelessly in trouble, and He would come to their aid.
Today, we also are not to trust inappropriately in man or in people with authority. They will fail us…they are human just as we are. I can tell that I am inappropriately trusting man and not God…
- When I see an individual as a solution to my problems.
- When I talk more about man to others than I do about God.
- When I am more concerned about what man thinks than I am about what God thinks.
- The Psalmist reminds us that man who comes from the earth will eventually return to it. The spirit leaves the body, and the body returns to the dust out of which it was fashioned. Every man is a dying creature. This is a poor place to put our trust. Man is a dying and corrupting creature. There is a play on words in this verse. The Hebrew word “adam” meaning man or mankind in verse 3, is the same word for “earth” or “ground” in verse 4. In other words, dirt returns to dirt.
The word spirit in verse 4, (Hebrew, ruach) can also be translated breath. What the Psalmist is saying is that when the spirit leaves, the breath of man also leaves. We are one breath creatures. We live one breath at a time and when the spirit or breath leaves, we are gone. There is no more human life.
When we build our trust upon man or human authorities, when they die our hopes die with them. Our expectations, declarations, and boastings all die when man breathes his last breath. The Hebrew word translated “plans” occurs only here in the Old Testament. It may be translated “purposes” or “projects.” We need to have our trust in Someone Who will never die, is not subject to corruption and will be eternally present. The only person who can provide this is God.
The Psalmist continues by telling us of the blessings we experience when we trust in God. “Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, The sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever.” (Psalm 146:5–6 NKJV)
The reality is that man’s help will ultimately fail and not provide lasting solutions. The Psalmist uses the word “Happy” to convey the idea of being blessed. Blessed is anyone “who has the God of Jacob for his help…” He will be blessed with help and goodness beyond anything that humanly can be accomplished. “Those are happy who trust him, for they shall never be ashamed or confounded. The Lord never dies, neither do his thoughts perish: his purpose of mercy, like himself, endures throughout all generations.” (Treasury of David, Spurgeon)
When we by faith know the Lord to be ours, we have the greatest happiness that can be known. This happiness is not only for the present but for all eternity. “…Resting in the Lord, we know a happiness which is beyond description, beyond comparison, beyond conception. O how blessed a thing it is to know that God is our present help, and our eternal hope.” (Treasury of David, Spurgeon)
The God of Jacob is the covenant keeping God. He made an unconditional covenant to give Israel the land and He kept His word. This God who was faithful to Jacob is the same God who is our help and hope. He will never lie to us or mislead us. He is always faithful to His Word. We can completely trust Him and His plan for our present and future. God is our help in our present moments. Our confidence should not be placed in man. God is our ultimate source of help. He is there even in our most despairing times.
The Psalmist tells us that God alone is the One Who can save us. He is our only hope. People, governments, or any other created thing does not have the ability to ultimately save us. They can be used of God to help but our ultimate hope comes from God alone. God is not just our hope today but for all eternity.
The Creator of the heavens and earth is the all-powerful One Who is our help. There is nothing He cannot do. Nothing is too large or small for Him. Nothing is too insignificant for Him. He is interested in everything that affects us. God is always faithful. Others will disappoint us at some time in life, but God will always be faithful. We may not see Him at times, but He will never leave us or forsake us.
Prayer: Lord, I need to always trust You. In times of trouble, it is so easy to trust in people we know. They have only limited knowledge, experience and understanding. Help me to trust You more and to turn to You during difficult times. Lord, I know You have all knowledge, will always keep Your word and thus I can fully trust You. Amen
New King James Version (NKJV) Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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