Daily Devotional

Fun with Balloons
As the valley temperatures creep into the triple digits, it is going to be harder to do stuff with your kids outside. So there are going to be days where you are going to be stuck inside at home most of the day. So when your kids come to you with that famous phrase, “We’re bored”, what are you going to say? I mean the common go-tos are to put on a movie or get them playing their favorite app. But why not have some fun with balloons (keeping in mind balloons are latex and some people are allergic)? Depending on the ages of your kids and how many you have, some of these games may work better than others. And watch out for any expensive lamps.
Balloon games (Go to Party City on Blackstone and get big latex balloons)
1. Balloon Volleyball - Clear the living room and create a net out of string, a sheet, or maybe even a row of folding chairs. Pick teams. Then play with regular volleyball rules except you stay on your knees. Serves, three hits per side, and out-of-bounds.
2. Balloon stomp - Depending on the number of participants, get enough balloons to give each participant at least 5 balloons of one color. So, if you have five participants, get five yellow balloons, five red balloons, five blue balloons, five green balloons, and five orange balloons. So you blow the balloons up so they are well-filled. You throw all the balloons in the middle of the floor and mix them up. The parent says “1-2-3-GO!” And then you stomp on any balloon that is not your color and pop it…and you protect your colored balloons from being popped. The person with the last balloon left wins. This could be done in teams as well.
3. Balloon Protection - Take one of these well-filled big balloons, tie a string around it, and tie it to each participant’s ankle. On the word “Go” everyone jumps around the room trying to pop everyone else’s balloon while protecting their own. The last one with an unpopped balloon wins.
4. Balloon Keep it Up Relay - Make two even teams. Line up in two lines. On the word “Go”, while staying on your knees, you throw the balloon into the air and keep it in the air while moving down to the finish line…turn around and move back to the next person in line. If the balloon hits the floor you have to start over. If the balloon is grabbed, you have to start over. Once everyone on the team has gone, you must be seated and then you’re done. The first team done wins.
5. Balloon Between Your Knees Relay - Make two even teams, have one balloon per team. You put the balloon between your knees and on the word “Go”, walk down to the finish line, turn around, and come back. If the balloon comes out, you start over. Once you get back to your team, the next person goes. Until everyone on your team has gone. Then you must be seated and you’re done. The first team done wins.
6. Balloon Hug-n-Pop - Divide up into teams of two. Give each team a bag full of five balloons. On the word go, each team must pop all five balloons by putting them between them while they hug. No hands, except to retrieve the balloon if it falls. The first team with all their balloons popped wins.
7. Balloons in the Air - This game is played on your knees. No teams for this one. You just all work together to see how long you can keep the balloon in the air. How many hits? No person can hit the balloon two times in a row and everyone has to hit. You could add variety by saying the first time you can move around. The second time you can’t move your knees. The third time no hands.
8. Balloon Baseball - Set up three bases spread out as far as possible depending on the amount of room you have. Get a noodle (like you use in a pool) for a bat. Have a pitcher. And play baseball. If you throw the balloon at a person running between bases, they’re out.
9. Balloon People - Give each kid a balloon and a Sharpie. Have them draw a face on the balloon. Give them wigs, hats, and other props. Give them a time limit. Then when they’re done, judge them. First, second, third. Or have categories for each balloon; “This balloon is the most detailed face” or “This balloon used the most props.” So that way everyone wins.
10. Balloon Blow Pop - Give each kid a deflated balloon and on the word “Go”, everyone blows the balloon all the way up until it pops (no pins or assistance popping the balloon). Only breath. The first person to pop their balloon wins.
Psalm 127:3 - "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." (NASB)
I’ll admit, these balloon games are pretty silly (though some were tried and true in my youth ministry days). But the point of this devotional is for those of us blessed with children; find ways to have fun together as a family. Are you responsible for your kids' boredom? No. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to help them have fun when they’re feeling bored. And balloon games are a great way to have fun together as a family. Make sure every kid wins at least once, have prizes for the winners, and celebrate together. Take pictures. Kids are a gift from the LORD. They grow up too fast. Enjoy them while they’re young. Make memories. And silly balloon games might just be the way to do it.
Balloon games (Go to Party City on Blackstone and get big latex balloons)
1. Balloon Volleyball - Clear the living room and create a net out of string, a sheet, or maybe even a row of folding chairs. Pick teams. Then play with regular volleyball rules except you stay on your knees. Serves, three hits per side, and out-of-bounds.
2. Balloon stomp - Depending on the number of participants, get enough balloons to give each participant at least 5 balloons of one color. So, if you have five participants, get five yellow balloons, five red balloons, five blue balloons, five green balloons, and five orange balloons. So you blow the balloons up so they are well-filled. You throw all the balloons in the middle of the floor and mix them up. The parent says “1-2-3-GO!” And then you stomp on any balloon that is not your color and pop it…and you protect your colored balloons from being popped. The person with the last balloon left wins. This could be done in teams as well.
3. Balloon Protection - Take one of these well-filled big balloons, tie a string around it, and tie it to each participant’s ankle. On the word “Go” everyone jumps around the room trying to pop everyone else’s balloon while protecting their own. The last one with an unpopped balloon wins.
4. Balloon Keep it Up Relay - Make two even teams. Line up in two lines. On the word “Go”, while staying on your knees, you throw the balloon into the air and keep it in the air while moving down to the finish line…turn around and move back to the next person in line. If the balloon hits the floor you have to start over. If the balloon is grabbed, you have to start over. Once everyone on the team has gone, you must be seated and then you’re done. The first team done wins.
5. Balloon Between Your Knees Relay - Make two even teams, have one balloon per team. You put the balloon between your knees and on the word “Go”, walk down to the finish line, turn around, and come back. If the balloon comes out, you start over. Once you get back to your team, the next person goes. Until everyone on your team has gone. Then you must be seated and you’re done. The first team done wins.
6. Balloon Hug-n-Pop - Divide up into teams of two. Give each team a bag full of five balloons. On the word go, each team must pop all five balloons by putting them between them while they hug. No hands, except to retrieve the balloon if it falls. The first team with all their balloons popped wins.
7. Balloons in the Air - This game is played on your knees. No teams for this one. You just all work together to see how long you can keep the balloon in the air. How many hits? No person can hit the balloon two times in a row and everyone has to hit. You could add variety by saying the first time you can move around. The second time you can’t move your knees. The third time no hands.
8. Balloon Baseball - Set up three bases spread out as far as possible depending on the amount of room you have. Get a noodle (like you use in a pool) for a bat. Have a pitcher. And play baseball. If you throw the balloon at a person running between bases, they’re out.
9. Balloon People - Give each kid a balloon and a Sharpie. Have them draw a face on the balloon. Give them wigs, hats, and other props. Give them a time limit. Then when they’re done, judge them. First, second, third. Or have categories for each balloon; “This balloon is the most detailed face” or “This balloon used the most props.” So that way everyone wins.
10. Balloon Blow Pop - Give each kid a deflated balloon and on the word “Go”, everyone blows the balloon all the way up until it pops (no pins or assistance popping the balloon). Only breath. The first person to pop their balloon wins.
Psalm 127:3 - "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." (NASB)
I’ll admit, these balloon games are pretty silly (though some were tried and true in my youth ministry days). But the point of this devotional is for those of us blessed with children; find ways to have fun together as a family. Are you responsible for your kids' boredom? No. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to help them have fun when they’re feeling bored. And balloon games are a great way to have fun together as a family. Make sure every kid wins at least once, have prizes for the winners, and celebrate together. Take pictures. Kids are a gift from the LORD. They grow up too fast. Enjoy them while they’re young. Make memories. And silly balloon games might just be the way to do it.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
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