Daily Devotional

"This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:21–23 (NASB)
Some years back, I was up in the mountains in the Kings Canyon area. I was reading this passage, meditating on it and praying during a time of drawing apart with Jesus. I was walking on a rough kind of dirt road which was muddy due to recent rains. It had also been driven over and thrashed more than once by off road vehicles. The various puddles were all brown and muddy, many of the ruts gooey.
But something caught my eye as I was randomly looking down. Clean water! I had to squat down to see why it was there. When I did, peering closely, I saw a little kind of “spring,” with an opening perhaps no bigger than 1/8”. Clear water was slowly oozing into the mud and dirty water. A live stream of new water, creating a small pool of fresh water.
As I stared in wonder, the Spirit said to me something like, “This little spring is as my lovingkindness, flowing from my compassion. It is new every morning.” No matter how man has trampled the area, creating dirty water and mud all across life, if one looks closely, in faith, he will “see” the Lord’s lovingkindness flowing, new that morning.
But I am too often like Jeremiah. A few things go wrong. I get discouraged. My soul is rejected from peace. I find no happiness. I say to myself, “I have no strength for anything. I have no hope.” I remember vividly my affliction. I wander in mind and heart. I let bitterness creep in. My soul bows down within me, Lam. 3:17–20 NASB.
However, I have also been walking with the Lord a long time. I am a redeemed man. I know Him. I know His word. I have His spirit within me. With Jeremiah, I eventually call to mind and take hold of the life-giving truth about His lovingkindness, His compassion and His faithfulness.
A week ago I wrote in my journal, “It behooves me not to try to live without faith!!” Think about that sentence, stated in a double negative. We want God to show Himself. We want to hear His voice, and see His hand. He wants us to live by faith. We think it would be better to see. God declares that without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6).
When I feel rejected from peace, what do I also know? When I have forgotten happiness, what can I remember? When I feel weak and without hope for today, what do I know by faith? I know that at that very moment, the Lord’s lovingkindnesses are flowing all around me, and over me! His compassions are at work in my heart and in my circumstances. I must “see” these by faith. They are there. They are new for that very morning, for that unique situation. They never fail. His faithfulness surrounds me.
Therefore, I have hope! I have hope in Him! I remember God’s statement, recorded in Hebrews, “My righteous one shall live by faith; and if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” (Hebrews 10:38, NASB). I remember that without faith it is impossible to please Him! Not just hard, impossible. So, I go to God and take hold of faith. I remember again that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. I don’t shrink back. I go forward, and I please Him.
Therefore I have hope
Therefore I have hope, in Him
When our son, Michael, died at 36 years old, it was this passage from Lamentations which was a balm spoken to our hearts in the Lord! He spoke to us in the morning after we had heard. We gained assurance, had a new conviction that Michael’s tattered, inconsistent faith was enough for God! God’s compassion was enough for him. God’s faithfulness proved the victory. His lovingkindness to receive Michael, new that very morning, was enough for him! And it was enough for us. And it will be enough for you, no matter what. It will be new on the day you need it, at the very hour. New, and enough.
Therefore, have hope. Have hope in Jesus.
In His salvation. In His lovingkindness toward you.
In His blessing and favor toward you.
Remember who you are: His beloved, cherished one!
For follow-up and investment:
But something caught my eye as I was randomly looking down. Clean water! I had to squat down to see why it was there. When I did, peering closely, I saw a little kind of “spring,” with an opening perhaps no bigger than 1/8”. Clear water was slowly oozing into the mud and dirty water. A live stream of new water, creating a small pool of fresh water.
As I stared in wonder, the Spirit said to me something like, “This little spring is as my lovingkindness, flowing from my compassion. It is new every morning.” No matter how man has trampled the area, creating dirty water and mud all across life, if one looks closely, in faith, he will “see” the Lord’s lovingkindness flowing, new that morning.
But I am too often like Jeremiah. A few things go wrong. I get discouraged. My soul is rejected from peace. I find no happiness. I say to myself, “I have no strength for anything. I have no hope.” I remember vividly my affliction. I wander in mind and heart. I let bitterness creep in. My soul bows down within me, Lam. 3:17–20 NASB.
However, I have also been walking with the Lord a long time. I am a redeemed man. I know Him. I know His word. I have His spirit within me. With Jeremiah, I eventually call to mind and take hold of the life-giving truth about His lovingkindness, His compassion and His faithfulness.
A week ago I wrote in my journal, “It behooves me not to try to live without faith!!” Think about that sentence, stated in a double negative. We want God to show Himself. We want to hear His voice, and see His hand. He wants us to live by faith. We think it would be better to see. God declares that without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6).
When I feel rejected from peace, what do I also know? When I have forgotten happiness, what can I remember? When I feel weak and without hope for today, what do I know by faith? I know that at that very moment, the Lord’s lovingkindnesses are flowing all around me, and over me! His compassions are at work in my heart and in my circumstances. I must “see” these by faith. They are there. They are new for that very morning, for that unique situation. They never fail. His faithfulness surrounds me.
Therefore, I have hope! I have hope in Him! I remember God’s statement, recorded in Hebrews, “My righteous one shall live by faith; and if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” (Hebrews 10:38, NASB). I remember that without faith it is impossible to please Him! Not just hard, impossible. So, I go to God and take hold of faith. I remember again that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. I don’t shrink back. I go forward, and I please Him.
Therefore I have hope
Therefore I have hope, in Him
When our son, Michael, died at 36 years old, it was this passage from Lamentations which was a balm spoken to our hearts in the Lord! He spoke to us in the morning after we had heard. We gained assurance, had a new conviction that Michael’s tattered, inconsistent faith was enough for God! God’s compassion was enough for him. God’s faithfulness proved the victory. His lovingkindness to receive Michael, new that very morning, was enough for him! And it was enough for us. And it will be enough for you, no matter what. It will be new on the day you need it, at the very hour. New, and enough.
Therefore, have hope. Have hope in Jesus.
In His salvation. In His lovingkindness toward you.
In His blessing and favor toward you.
Remember who you are: His beloved, cherished one!
For follow-up and investment:
- Read Matthew 12:15–21
- Read Lamentations 3:1–38
- Read Isaiah 42:1–44:8
- Read, sing, listen to: Great is Thy Faithfulness.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
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