Build the Church Worldwide

Campus desires to be a global church that is kingdom-minded in its thinking and worldwide in its outreach. A global church is a church that is ready to go and use the resources God has given to build up the body of Christ wherever the needs exist.

We also support the Berlins, Najjars, and Wood who are serving in sensitive places around the world.

Matthew 28:19–20 - “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
USA Mission Partners
  • Monnie & Joan Brewer | East-West Ministries | Plano, TX
  • Drs. Glenn & Dianne Collard | Artists in Christian Testimony Int'l | Matthews, NC
  • Alan & Audrey Dianich | CRU | Sacramento, CA
  • John & Cora Duerksen | Wycliffe | Oklahoma City, OK
  • Jeff & Amanda Gallagher | SIM | Sacramento, CA
  • Jon & Sarah Haahr | CRU | Orlanda, FL
  • Art & Beckie Melli | Youth for Christ International | Hume Lake, CA
  • Jim & Leslie Pacini | AWANA Clubs | Fresno, CA
  • Zachary & Sara Prieb | Ethnos360 | Roach, Missouri
  • Ken & Mary Royer | JARON Ministries International | Fresno, CA
  • Steve and Kathi Weemes | OMF | Fresno, CA
Kenya Mission Partners
  • Becky Adams | Seeds in His Garden | Kenya
  • Don & Nancy Rogers | Empowering Lives International | Kenya
Canada Mission Partners
  • Mike & Becky Scott | World Team | Alberta, Canada
Germany Mission Partners
  • Johnny & Rachel Bruder | NOVO | Berlin, Germany
SE Asia
SE Mission Partners
  • Steve & Debbie B. | OCI | SE Asia
England Mission Partners
  • Matt & Kimberly Davis | Reach Global | London, England
Singapore Mission Partners
  • Jerry & Virla Brownell | Youth with a Mission
Ecuador Mission Partners
  • Tim & Daina Datwyler | The Mission Society Global | Ecuador
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea Mission Partners
  • Earl & Cathy Hartwig | Reach Beyond | Kudjip, Papua New Guinea
Ukraine Mission Partners
  • Don Norton | Global Training Network | Berdyansk, Ukraine
Brazil Mission Partners
  • Miriam Kanagy | TEAM | Brazil
Moldova Mission Partners
  • Eugene & Olga Savicev | East-West Ministries | Moldova
Mexico Mission Partners
  • Emily John | Door to Missions, Inc. | Mexico